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Life story
May 20, 1967
The Big Event..after much labor throughout the were born...all 7 lbs 3 oz of you.8:42 am!We were thrilled..we had a boy!Named for your Grandfather Thomas S Pollard and James for your 2 other  great grandfathers...James A Cox and Claude James Reed.
We brought you home and thought we had done the greatest thing in the world!..In our world we had..we moved you to Southern California from Talent,Oregon when you were only 4 weeks old!..
The journey begins!
Approx time:1972...Page 2.We moved back to Oregon and
then to Washington State briefly.You started kindegarten while we lived in Vancouver,WA.By then you had 2 tag along brothers..Joey who was just under a month being born two years after you and younger brother Shawn who quickly followed Joey's footsteps and voila!We had a young and growing loved your brothers and from an early age felt a sense of responsibility toward them.Even though Shawn was only 3 years younger than you.You loved school for it's social outlet and did pretty well in your grades as well...You enjoyed music from the time you could sing..I taught you a couple of little songs I remembered from childhood and one became your favorite when Joey was a you were just 2 years old..."A hunting we will go,a hunting we will go..we'll catch a little fox and put him in a box and then we'll let him go"At first you could only say "fox" when we got to that point and "box"when we got to that point...and the end  but it wasn't long before you could sing it all!Music was born into you Tom..and never left you!
I bought a Roy Orbisoon album that I exercised to at the days before Jazzercise and Zumba!You learned every word to every song when you were 5 years old..I recall now that even many many years later we would start singing those old Orbison songs and then start laughing because we both still knew all the words!
May 20, 1967
Born on May 20, 1967.
August 4, 2011
Passed away on August 4, 2011.
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