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Janie Pollard
Two long years son...our hearts still long to see your face again..Keep watch with Shawn over your children & his..we love u
Janie Pollard
Tom,it has been 10 months today since you left us for Heaven's gates and to hang out with Shawn...we love and miss you dearly.
leah balentine
I miss you soooooooo much!!! ur still my first thought in the morn and my last wish/prayer every night.....i love you tommy
Janie Pollard
Loving and missing you bunches today..and every day..hoping Heaven is brighter by your presence!
Monica Harrington
I never met Thomas but worked with Janie. I wish I would have met him. Rest in Peace Thomas.
Janie Pollard
Tom..missing you so much bud!Know you are at home with Shawn and fishing heaven's shores help ease the pain..a little
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